Hello Dear Humans !

We’ve been working for months on our re-invention, searching for our connection and inspiration in this fashion world, letting go of the old ways and adapting to the new ways that 2020 left us. 

It has been a long, loopy process but we finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and we love to share with you: our musts for any INDEPENDENT fashion brand out there. 

Deciding we wanted to create our path as designers and creating a brand from scratch we’ve had to encounter tons of obstacles, ups and downs and continuous learning experience. We were entering the world of entrepreneurship with just a big dream in our back-pack and some knowledge and the support of our friends & family that made us believe in ourselves…

WE believe we can jump deep in creating our own future. 

Create a unique voice, support & join forces with peeps and professionals that understand your DNA, re-fresh your brands brain constantly.


We want to make this simple so will share this list of DO´s and a couple of DONT´s. HERE our bullet point list on making a fashion brand come to life:

  • Dream big! Nothing is impossible search you inner soul for your deepest, coolest and heart-full dream. Define IT as only 1 big dream.
  • Write you dream down, make a map, a chart, a paragraph or even a graphic vision board to have 1 clear dream. 1 main objective. 1 vision that will probably involved varios steps for the making.
  • Wake up and get going; plan your day, your week, your month, your year and the real time you can invest in your dream brand. Schedule your main steps and a probable path for your dream.
  • FOCUS! When working on your dream brand put your best tunes, go to your fav place or room (since 2020 inside your home) and set a working environment that helps your concentration and your productivity.
  • Never, I mean NEVER give up your energy. Specially never stop believing you can and have the drive it takes to do your dream brand. 
  • Your brand has a body; define every detail of its shape, size and form. Be clear and coherent with your chosen aesthetics.
  • Find your niche, your big blue ocean, your target market. If you have a clear and REAL objective it’s easier to go get them, be truthful and know if it’s a near local market or if your target market is international.
  • Your brand has a personality, even think of it as a person from time to time, what type of person is your brand. What will your brand do and what wouldn’t do.
  • Be the best self and brand you can be, this pays off eventually.
  • Respect your self and your personal cycles, identify them too. Everything changes in the long run and it can become your worst enemy or your best ally.
  • Remember every day you are creating your own future, you are the one who is responsable for it. Kill your ego and know when you’re ready your team is your most valuable asset. 
  • Cultivate yourself if you are not ok, your energy will be affected and your dream too.
  • Don’t stop, be aware that every human has momentums of drive, motivation and inspiration but this is not a constant road. Theres always going to be ups & downs and the only way out is to never stop believing in yourself.
  • BREATH! 
  • Enjoy the ride, Its going to be a crazy one.
  • Last but not least, if you expect different results, remember you need change for it to happen. If your gut is telling you something and you feel change isn’t posible anymore, remember is OK to start over and find a NEW BIG dream.

Hopefully we will hear from y’all, leave your comments and love down below.

Cheers peeps, stay fresh!



Te damos la bienvenida a LiTTLE RAMONAS⚡

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